Bridging the Health Gap

African Community Health Organization (ACHO) is a health-oriented national nonprofit organization that envisions A Healthy and Resilient Communities in South Sudan. 

Our Thematic Area

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Health and Nutrition

Contribute to the decrease of avoidable diseases in vulnerable communities.


Improved access to quality education

Food Security & Livelihood

Increased social economic recovery and diversified livelihoods for self-reliance


Improve access to sustainable wash services


Strengthened social integration and social cohesion for displaced communities

We organize events all around South Sudan

Some of our events 

How you’re changing lives

Food Security

  • General Food Assistant (GFA)
  • Community Base Agriculture  (CBA)
  • Resilient Livelihood (FFs/FFA/C4W)
  • Entrepreneurship and Economic Recovery


  • Accelerating learning program/ adult education.
  • Mobile education

Our Mission

To Improve Lives through resilient building using Innovative community approach